Iced Apple Crisp Oatmilk Shaken Espresso

Roaster Location: Flag of United States Seattle, Washington


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180 calories

Fall-inspired beverage featuring Starbucks Blonde espresso, complemented by the infusion of apple, cinnamon, and brown sugar notes. This concoction is meticulously shaken to harmonize the flavors and create a well-balanced taste profile. It is topped with oat milk to complete the beverage, resulting in a refreshing and energizing fall treat.

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Latest Reviews and Tasting Notes

  • Theo Chan, Managing Editor

    1265 roasts rated, avg score of 4.28

    4.00 - Average

    The Starbucks Iced Apple Crisp Oatmilk Shaken Espresso, sampled at Boston Logan Airport, aims to capture the essence of fall in a single cup. With its attempt to mirror the flavors of a classic apple crumblecinnamon, brown sugar, oats, and butterthe beverage offers a comforting blend of seasonal tastes.

    I ordered mine half sweet. In a half-sweet version, the apple notes are subtle but discernible, largely overshadowed by a dominant crumble-esque taste. The oat milk adds a creamy texture that effectively stands in for the traditional butter element in an apple crumble.

    However, the drink does come with a minor drawback: the lack of full integration of its coffee component. The preparation seems to involve shaking the espresso over ice separately before adding oat milk and flavoring, resulting in a layered effect. This requires the consumer to do some additional stirring or undertake 'risky shaking' to achieve a fully integrated flavor profile.

    Nutritional considerations are moderate, with the standard offering at 180 calories. Opting for the half-sweet version, as we did, likely reduces the calorie count slightly, making it a somewhat guilt-free indulgence.

    In conclusion, the Starbucks Iced Apple Crisp Oatmilk Shaken Espresso is a delightful treat with no major downsides. It does a commendable job of capturing the flavors of the season but leaves room for improvement in terms of coffee integration. A small adjustment in the preparation could elevate this seasonal offering from a pleasurable experience to an autumnal must-have.

    Cupping Method:Half sweet, at Boston Logan Airport, Terminal C Starbucks

    11 months ago · See more from Theo

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The "Menu Item" flag was created so that the Coffee Roast community can track menu items such as espresso drinks or specialty concoctions at their favorite cafe. Reviewers can grade the underlying "roast," the beans used in their drink, according to their preference, or the ordered item itself.

Best Rated Roasts of Starbucks

Starbucks is a coffee roaster from Seattle, WA United States. We have 102 cataloged roasts with 68 total reviews with a score of 4.02.

International Rank: #953 out of 959
Ranking is based on a combination of reviews and popularity on
Name Roast Level Bean Source
Light International Blend
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Dark International Blend
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