Taster’s Choice Instant

Roaster Location: Flag of Switzerland Lausenne


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Process: Freeze-dried



2 ratings
Ratings here are based on aggregated user reviews of individual roasts from Nescafe.
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Latest Reviews and Tasting Notes

  • Victoria S-C

    498 roasts rated, avg score of 4.30

    2.00 - Average

    Bitter, but in a way you can cover up with milk an sugar.
    2 months ago · See more from Victoria
  • Theo Chan, Managing Editor

    1282 roasts rated, avg score of 4.28

    3.00 - Average

    4.00 - Aroma

    4.00 - Value

    3.00 - Finish

    3.00 - Flavor

    3.50 - Acidity

    3.50 - Balance

    Nescafe Taster's Choice is a well-known name in instant coffee, often chosen for its convenience and quick preparation. It uses a freeze-drying process, a key part of why it stands out in the instant coffee market. Unlike other methods, freeze-drying involves removing moisture from brewed coffee at low temperatures, preserving much of the coffee's natural flavors and aromas.

    One of the major benefits of Nescafe Taster's Choice is how easily it dissolves in water. There's no graininess or textural issues, making it a hassle-free option whether at home, at work, or on the go. You add hot water, stir, and your coffee is ready.

    When freshly made with hot water, many find it almost unbearably bitter. This initial bitterness can be a turnoff for those who prefer a smoother, milder cup of coffee. Additionally, there is a slight chemical or rubbery mouthfeel, though it's not as pronounced as in some other instant coffees.

    Interestingly, if you let the coffee cool down a bit, you'll notice a significant change. The bitterness fades, and the coffee develops a sweet, fruity flavor reminiscent of plums or prunes, with a nice touch of acidity. This makes it much more enjoyable as it cools, and it definitely beneits from ice or with a splash of milk to balance out the flavors. I think there's a bit of a saltiness/savory character.

    That said, while Nescafe Taster's Choice is convenient and has its unique taste profile, it might not satisfy everyone, especially those used to specialty coffee. Specialty coffee is all about high-quality beans, careful roasting, and precise brewing methods that produce complex and rich flavors. These are aspects that instant coffee, despite its advances, often can't fully replicate.

    I could see Nescafe Taster's Choice offers a quick, easy coffee solution with interesting flavor dynamics. It's fine for those who need a fast caffeine fix and don't really care about amazing flavor, or are just going to cover it up with milk and sugar. However, if you're a specialty coffee enthusiast looking for depth and complexity in every cup, there's no way this old classic will meet your expectations. Nescafe Taster's Choice has its place, but coffee, including convenience formats has come a long way.

    Cupping Method:Mixed with hot water from standard jar that was opened fairly recently.

    2 months ago · See more from Theo

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Best Rated Roasts of Nescafe

Nescafe is a coffee roaster from Lausenne, Switzerland. We have 21 cataloged roasts with 16 total reviews with a score of 3.90.

International Rank: #945 out of 968
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