3 in 1 White

Roaster Location: Flag of Switzerland Lausenne


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1 rating
Ratings here are based on aggregated user reviews of individual roasts from Nescafe.
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Latest Reviews and Tasting Notes

  • Unique Coffee Reviews

    46 roasts rated, avg score of 3.91

    5.00 - Average

    Long awaited long time hyped super coffee. Without further ado, let's jump right into the details:
    Packeging: Hypes you up. Massive hefty sachet. Beautiful beige shade. Elegant af
    After making: Incredibly aromatic, incredibly thick. Super frothy. Light in tone. Filled up a large mug.
    Taste test: Boy was it strong. Rich and strong bitter coffee, quite smooth, foamy. Needed some sugar. Comfort drink.
    Final rating: 9.5/10 (round up to 5 on the Coffee Roast system)

    Cupping Method:Follow @casual_coffee_reviews on Instagram for more convenience format coffee reviews!

    6 months ago · See more from Unique Coffee

More Details

"Flavored" describes a broad set of menu items, drinks, or coffee roasts with added flavoring, sugar, milk, or other enhancements. We recognize these can be delicious ways for people to get their caffeine fixes and use this flag to track them separately so we can help folks find what they are looking for.

Best Rated Roasts of Nescafe

Nescafe is a coffee roaster from Lausenne, Switzerland. We have 21 cataloged roasts with 16 total reviews with a score of 3.90.

International Rank: #945 out of 968
Ranking is based on a combination of reviews and popularity on
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