Kawaha 1893
Kenyan Single Origin

Roaster Location: Flag of United States San Francisco, California


Roast Level: Light Medium
Bean Source Country: Kenya

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Roast Level: Light Medium
A Light Medium Roast coffee, sometimes referred to as a "City Roast" or "American Roast," lies between a light and medium roast. This roast level strikes a balance by preserving the coffee bean's unique characteristics while allowing for a moderate development of body and flavor. The beans have a medium brown color, exhibiting a slight sheen of oils, providing a more balanced and nuanced flavor profile. A Light Medium Roast typically highlights the coffee's inherent fruity, floral, or citrus notes, while also providing some of the deeper, richer flavors associated with medium roasts.
Bean Source Country: Kenya
Famed for its bold, bright acidity and fruity, wine-like flavors, Kenyan coffee often features blackcurrant, citrus, and tropical fruit notes. The high elevations, volcanic soil, and meticulous processing techniques contribute to the consistent, high-quality beans, with SL28 and SL34 among the most esteemed varieties.

Best Rated Roasts of Kawaha 1893

Kawaha 1893 is a coffee roaster from San Francisco, CA United States. We have 14 cataloged roasts with 0 total reviews with a score of 0.

Name Roast Level Bean Source
Light Medium -
Medium Tanzania, United Republic of
Light Medium Congo
- Rwanda
Medium -
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