Kawaha 1893
African Chai Spice

Roaster Location: Flag of United States San Francisco, California


Roast Level: Medium

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Roast Level: Medium
Medium roast coffee balances the beans' natural flavors and the roasting process, providing a well-rounded taste profile. When selecting a medium roast, look for a balance of acidity and sweetness, with caramel, nuts, and chocolate notes and a medium body.
"Flavored" describes a broad set of menu items, drinks, or coffee roasts with added flavoring, sugar, milk, or other enhancements. We recognize these can be delicious ways for people to get their caffeine fixes and use this flag to track them separately so we can help folks find what they are looking for.

Best Rated Roasts of Kawaha 1893

Kawaha 1893 is a coffee roaster from San Francisco, CA United States. We have 14 cataloged roasts with 0 total reviews with a score of 0.

Name Roast Level Bean Source
Light Medium -
Medium Tanzania, United Republic of
Light Medium Congo
- Rwanda
Light Medium -
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