Hook Coffee
Hands Off My Nuts Nespresso Pod

Roaster Location: Flag of Singapore


Intensity 9/12

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Latest Reviews and Tasting Notes

  • Coffee Pod Thoughts

    79 roasts rated, avg score of 3.23

    2.50 - Average

    Argh, it's that weird earthy scent again! Yes, here's another pod from Hook Coffee, and again, there's that off-putting muddy smell that I really am not a fan of. Thankfully, in this case, it falls away into something a bit more woody, allowing cleaner, chocolatey notes to come to the forefront. Overall, the drink itself is well-balanced, though the aftertaste is also rather strongly bitter. 2.5/5 - This will fare better if you like bitterness and that earthiness.

    Listed by the manufacturer as a coffee with a 9/12 intensity, this Colombian blend is supposed to have notes of nuts and honey, creamy with a subtle sweetness. Not getting too much of any of these unfortunately, though the sweetness is indeed nice.

    Cupping Method:This Nespresso capsule review was added to Coffee Roast with the permission of coffeepodthoughts. See profile for more information.

    1 year ago · See more from Coffee Pod

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Best Rated Roasts of Hook Coffee

Hook Coffee is a coffee roaster from Singapore. We have 8 cataloged roasts with 8 total reviews with a score of 2.69.

International Rank: #957 out of 959
Ranking is based on a combination of reviews and popularity on CoffeeRoast.com
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