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Coffee Pod Thoughts

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Preferences: Review of Nespresso pods. Based in Singapore. Follow @coffeepodthoughts on Instagram!



79 ratings
Ratings here are based on aggregated user reviews of individual roasts
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1 star
  • The Medium Roast Classic Decaf by Marks & Spencer Food might just be my favorite decaf option so far. Well-rounded but skewing slightly sweet, this decaf option hits you with a subtle but complex blend of nutty, chocolatey and gingerbread-y spice flavors. The aftertaste is very pleasant as well, slightly bitter but not at all off-putting. Overall, an incredible option - 5/5!

    You may find that, rarely, the thin foil cover may cause a very small amount of coffee grounds to leak into your cup. Not at all a significant problem, but one to take note of. Also, at SGD$1.03 a pod, this is one of the most expensive options I've come across, and while worth every penny, you may want to take this into consideration as well.

    Cupping Method:This Nespresso capsule review was added to Coffee Roast with the permission of coffeepodthoughts. See profile for more information.

    Rated: 5.00
    1 year ago · See more
  • Filter Style Intense Nespresso
    Flag of Switzerland Lausenne


    Editor's Note: We've aggregated 3 reviews of this roast with permission from Coffeepodthoughts (follow on Instagram!)

    One of the things I had wanted to try with Nespresso's Filter Style Intense pod was whether brewing it as Espresso+Lungo really did anything, so again, I tried brewing this pod just as a Lungo, then topping up with water to make up the difference.

    With the Filter Style Mild pod, there was little change in taste, but with this one, the differences were more noticable (albeit still subtle). It's very slightly milder and nuanced, but I'm happy to report that all the nice spicy notes are still there, and there is almost a double sweetness to it.

    I almost like this more than the regular brew method. Very satisfying - 5/5!

    Having tried Nespresso's Filter Style Intense coffee on its own previously, and knowing that it's quite strong, I wondered how it would taste alongside milk - Here I brewed it as a flat white - Just milk and coffee, no frothing or anything.

    It came out quite bitter, but well balanced - You can detect both coffee and milk and neither overwhelms the other. I sweetened it very slightly with just a third of my usual sweetener to take the edge off the bitterness, and it became perfect! 4.5/5 - I absolutely love the versatility of this pod!

    Here's another pod from Nespresso's Barista Creations Filter Style series - The Filter Style Intense is a robust discovery, boasting strong, roasty aromas that captivate your senses from the moment you break open the foil. This intense variant delivers a decidedly richer experience than its mild counterpart.

    A tantalizing combination of intense spiciness and deep, roasted undertones, this brew is richly nuanced without becoming overwhelming. The taste holds a remarkable balance, with the bitterness kept in check by just the right mix of acidity and sweetness, leaving a subtly bitter aftertaste.

    This pod also reveals a light nutty flavor and a pleasing complexity, its presence becoming all the more appreciated in a larger cup. In essence, the Filter Style Intense sets a new benchmark for big cups of coffee from the Nespresso machine.

    Overall Rating: 5/5 - Truly a stand-out in its category.

    The manufacturer describes this pod as one with a velvety texture, a sandalwood finish, a honeyed sweetness, and smoky earthy notes, each adding to the symphony of flavors this pod delivers.

    Cupping Method:This Nespresso capsule review was added to Coffee Roast with the permission of coffeepodthoughts. See profile for more information.

    Rated: 5.00
    1 year ago · See more
  • The Ispirazione Firenze Arpeggio by Nespresso is a fine choice packed with loads of sweetness, yet managing to showcase its own flair with its hints of bitterness and acidity, the roastiness kicking in in the form of an intense bitter aftertaste. Expect a powerful chocolatey scent and hazelnutty notes with every sip. Almost perfect, though I wish the aftertaste would be a little less intense - Overall, still an awesome 5/5!

    Cupping Method:This Nespresso capsule review was added to Coffee Roast with the permission of coffeepodthoughts. See profile for more information.

    Rated: 5.00
    1 year ago · See more
  • I've heard of the Lavazza (@lavazzaofficial on Instagram) brand a lot, but I haven't had a chance to try it until now. I'm starting with the Deciso Espresso, a bright pink pod, and I'm immediately blown away! Expect delicious intense roasty and woody scents the moment the hot water hits it. The shot itself is smooth and delicious, with berry and nutty notes thanks to the intermingling of sweetness and acidity. This coffee is incredibly strong, yet somehow, the sweetness still manages to cut through. The aftertaste can get very bitter, but it isn't harsh or off-putting in any way. A wonderful coffee indeed - 4.5/5!

    The manufacturer describes this pod as a blend of Arabica and Robusta from Brazil and Southeast Asia. It is velvety and has notes of cocoa and wood, coming together to create a drink with an intensity of 10. An excellent espresso for sure, making me want to go back for more pods from this brand!

    Cupping Method:This Nespresso capsule review was added to Coffee Roast with the permission of coffeepodthoughts. See profile for more information.

    Rated: 4.50
    1 year ago · See more
  • As you know, the Filter Style coffees by Nespresso are supposed to be brewed with one push of the lungo button, followed by another push of the espresso button to get a 150ml cup. I wanted to see if there was really any value-add to doing this, so I brewed the Nespresso Filter Style Mild pod as a Lungo and then topped it up with an extra 40ml of water instead, creating a drink of the same size but a different composition.

    Interestingly, the results were barely different. This cup came out subtly lighter and a smidge spicier, but the differences are really negligible.

    The result is still great, but it seems to show that the suggested brew method doesn't really do much.

    Cupping Method:This Nespresso capsule review was added to Coffee Roast with the permission of coffeepodthoughts. See profile for more information.

    Rated: 4.50
    1 year ago · See more
  • Caffe Verona Ristretto Nespresso Capsule Starbucks
    Flag of United States Seattle, Washington


    My first impression is that the taste was incredibly complex, boasting roasty, nutty scents and subtle chocolatey notes. Surprisingly, it wasn't too bitter. Inf fact, these taste just like the kind of Starbucks flavor you'd experience in-store. For one of my three testing cups, I brewed a slightly larger serving, resulting in a super chocolatey and fragrant coffee. However, this cup was slightly more acidic, fruity, and had lingering bitterness.

    Taking these factors into account, I'm giving the Starbucks Caffe Verona Ristretto capsules an overall rating of 4.5/5. My recommendation is to keep the cups small for the best taste experience.

    The manufacturer describes this coffee as a dark roast with an intensity of 10. The flavor profile includes roasty sweet and dark cocoa notes, offering a rich and satisfying coffee experience.

    Cupping Method:This Nespresso capsule review was added to Coffee Roast with the permission of coffeepodthoughts. See profile for more information.

    Rated: 4.50
    1 year ago · See more
  • Having previously tried pods from Lavazza, I knew they were a good brand, producing sweet, flavorful and complex coffees. Naturally, I'm super excited for this one - The Lavazza Espresso Colombia!

    I was not disappointed - I'm impressed with the complexity of flavors and scents this pod offers. Across the three cups I had, I noticed a nutty scent in the first cup, while floral and woody scents filled my mouth in the second cup. The third cup had a chocolatey scent that was equally enticing. Although the bitterness and acidity were quite strong, I still found the flavors to be delicious and the scents to be heavenly.

    Overall, I would give this pod a 4.5/5 rating. It's a shame that the bitter aftertaste lingers for a bit, but that doesn't take away from the fact that this is a great coffee pod.

    Looking at the manufacturer's notes on the box, this coffee is designed to be used for espresso, and has a 100% Arabica blend with an intensity level of 6. A delicious coffee overall!

    Cupping Method:This Nespresso capsule review was added to Coffee Roast with the permission of coffeepodthoughts. See profile for more information.

    Rated: 4.50
    1 year ago · See more
  • Here's a first for this account - A pod that isn't a coffee pod! Yes, this is the Podista Poddies Hot Chocolate Pod.

    When brewed, it just smells amazing - rich, chocolatey goodness! The texture was a bit gritty, perhaps because the powder hadn't fully dissolved, but the overall experience was still fun. I did find the sweetener to be a bit chemically and sickly sweet, so perhaps diluting it down or pulling it into milk would be better. Overall, I would rate this 4.5/5 for the unique experience and delicious chocolatey aroma!

    Cupping Method:This Nespresso capsule review was added to Coffee Roast with the permission of coffeepodthoughts. See profile for more information.

    Rated: 4.50
    1 year ago · See more
  • It's been a long time since we looked at a Marks & Spencer pod, so let's remedy this by reviewing their Colombian Espresso pod! What a nice, intense pod! Very fruity and plummy with a slight spiced aroma to it and a velvety finish. This is a primarily acidic coffee with some sweetness, but in spite of this, it is _extremely_ pleasant - 4.5/5, yet another hit from M&S!

    Marketed by the brand as a medium roast with an intensity of 8, expect dark chocolate, hazelnut, and blueberry flavors. M&S pods have always been at a slight premium of SGD$1.03, but I was lucky enough to get these on sale at SGD$0.824 per pod. An absolute steal for an excellent coffee!

    Cupping Method:This Nespresso capsule review was added to Coffee Roast with the permission of coffeepodthoughts. See profile for more information.

    Rated: 4.50
    1 year ago · See more
  • It's time for another L'Or pod! Last time I tried the Profondo Lungo, I loved it, so I've got high hopes for the Onyx here and true enough, the Onyx doesn't disappoint. Being a stronger coffee, the Onyx doesn't hold back with heavy, nutty and roasty scents, so incredibly powerful, yet without any single overwhelming flavor. You can even taste a very subtle, lightly spicy note. Taste wise, expect a full-bodied cup, sweet with slight bitter and acidic notes that are amplified in the aftertaste - 4.5/5, pleasant all around despite it strength.

    The manufacturer states that this coffee is an Arabica-Robusta blend, created with extreme flavors in mind, with chocolate, spicy and bitter cocoa notes, and an intensity rated at 12. At SGD$0.73 a pop, this is an exemplary choice of an intense, flavorful drink that you won't go wrong with!

    Cupping Method:This Nespresso capsule review was added to Coffee Roast with the permission of coffeepodthoughts. See profile for more information.

    Rated: 4.50
    1 year ago · See more
  • Breakfast Blend Nespresso Capsule Starbucks
    Flag of United States Seattle, Washington


    The last time I tried one of Starbuck's pods, I didn't like it so much. This one, however, is a completely different story. The Breakfast Blend by Starbucks absolutely blew me away. Light and fresh with delightful sweet notes of chocolate and cereal, this coffee is delicious all on its own. Amidst all the sweetness, also expect a slight tinge of acidity that makes this a very berry-like coffee - 4.5/5. My only nitpick is that the aftertaste is rather bitter, forcing you to wash it down sooner rather than later.

    At SGD$0.73 a pod, this is a great way to get your coffee fix, and has the versatility of being brewed as both an espresso or a lungo (this review only covers the former). Starbucks describes this as a lively and citrusy medium roast coffee, designed for a wider range of palates. Good call, Starbucks! This came out great.

    Cupping Method:This Nespresso capsule review was added to Coffee Roast with the permission of coffeepodthoughts. See profile for more information.

    Rated: 4.50
    1 year ago · See more
  • Original Line Cosi Nespresso
    Flag of Switzerland Lausenne


    The Cosi is pleasant and roasty, with nutty notes. It's also very fruity, in its blend of sweetness and acidity. It also finishes very pleasantly, leaving behind a light, subtle bitterness in the aftertaste. 4.5/5 - A delicious coffee that can absolutely be enjoyed on its own.

    Marketed as a blend of Arabicas with toasted cereal and fruity notes, Nespresso puts this coffee at a 4 on the intensity scale. At SGD$0.74 a pod, this is a great daily-driver coffee if you like black coffees that are pleasant without a lot of bitterness!

    Cupping Method:This Nespresso capsule review was added to Coffee Roast with the permission of coffeepodthoughts. See profile for more information.

    Rated: 4.50
    1 year ago · See more
  • Original Line Volluto Nespresso
    Flag of Switzerland Lausenne


    This is Nespresso's Volluto, a light roast packed with sweetness! When brewed, expect a beautiful sweet scent reminiscent of chocolate wafers. As you work your way through a cup, you'll get a lot of sweet nutty flavors, with subtle but present notes of bitterness and acidity, which ramp up as you get to the end, finishing with a lingering bitterness. 4.5/5 - Reminiscent of a slightly subtler Ispirazione Firenze Arpeggio, which is one of his highly rated coffees.

    Nespresso describes this coffee to be a blend of Arabicas from small Brazillian and Colombian plantations. With an intensity of 4, expect caramelly biscuit notes - And on this, the Volluto absolutely delivers! At SGD$0.74 a pod, this is a relatively affordable way of getting your hands on a delicious coffee!

    Cupping Method:This Nespresso capsule review was added to Coffee Roast with the permission of coffeepodthoughts. See profile for more information.

    Rated: 4.50
    1 year ago · See more
  • Here's my first review of a L'or pod - The Profondo Lungo! This is a coffee with a unique personality, flooding your senses with incredible aromas of clove, cinnamon and dried berries. Its tastes are extremely well-balanced with no harshness whatsoever, making this a very pleasant drink. My only gripe is that the aftertaste is skewed towards the acidic and bitter side, so you might want to wash it down after you're done - 4.5/5! I see myself coming back to this a lot more.

    Pods from this box occasionally have the "clear start" problem - Where water finds its way around the pod at the beginning of the brew, causing the first few drops to come out clear.

    The Profondo Lungo is described by L'or as a medium-dark roast with an intensity of 8, with chocolatey, nutty and fruity notes, that is intense and spicy. At SGD$0.695 a pod, this is a relatively affordable way to get a great coffee. Highly recommended!

    Cupping Method:This Nespresso capsule review was added to Coffee Roast with the permission of coffeepodthoughts. See profile for more information.

    Rated: 4.50
    1 year ago · See more
  • Hook Coffee (@hook_coffee) is a brand I've been subscribed to for ages, so it's only natural that I give their shotpods a try now that I have a Nespresso machine! This is their Give Me S'mores flavor, a flavor I've also tried before in drip coffee and French press forms. This shot is chocolatey and fruity, and most surprisingly, you absolutely do get a whiff of toasty and pastry notes! Such a pleasant shot of espresso with no harshness at all - 4.5/5!

    Described by Hook Coffee as "Velvety Hot Chocolate topped with marshmallows and spice", this coffee is a blend of Ethiopian, Indeonesian, and Nicaraguan coffee. At just SGD$0.60 per pod, it's an absolute steal for such delicious coffee!

    Cupping Method:This Nespresso capsule review was added to Coffee Roast with the permission of coffeepodthoughts. See profile for more information.

    Rated: 4.50
    1 year ago · See more
  • A rich and intense pod with a nutty, chocolatey scent and subtle sweetness and acidity, this is a pod that is enjoyable, and everything you're looking for in an espresso! Smooth and harmonious and well balanced, there will be no surprises in this one, just a high quality drink.

    I wish it was a little sweeter and the aftertaste a little less harsh, but these are nitpicks. Still a great pod - 4.5/5

    The box lists this pod at an intensity level of 6/13, describing it to have cereal notes.

    Cupping Method:This Nespresso capsule review was added to Coffee Roast with the permission of coffeepodthoughts. See profile for more information.

    Rated: 4.50
    1 year ago · See more
  • Here's a new brand! This one is by PPP Coffee ( on Instagram), under their Supernova Collection, an Alilu Estate pod, purchased directly from their outlet at Funan! A very interesting pod with a light chocolatey and nutty scent. Take a sip and be hit by a pleasant, berry-like blend of sweetness and acidity. While the bitterness stands out in the aftertaste, it is not at all off-putting, making this a great espresso - 4.5/5!

    Cupping Method:This Nespresso capsule review was added to Coffee Roast with the permission of coffeepodthoughts. See profile for more information.

    Rated: 4.50
    1 year ago · See more
  • Original Line Capriccio Nespresso
    Flag of Switzerland Lausenne


    Going back to one of Nespresso's offerings - The Capriccio pod!

    I do quite like how this pod smells strong yet tastes light. It's quite acidic, so expect a fruity vibe with just a hint of sweetness. There are some beautiful nutty scents, but do also expect a pretty harsh finish that lingers. Overall, a pleasant pod - 4/5!

    The box lists this as a light roasted Arabica/Robusta blend with an intensity level of 5 - Mild but with a twist, which I fully agree with!

    Cupping Method:This Nespresso capsule review was added to Coffee Roast with the permission of coffeepodthoughts. See profile for more information.

    Rated: 4.00
    1 year ago · See more
  • I tried Monjavo Premium capsules as espresso and noted their earthy, bitter, and acidic taste. In hopes of controlling those strong flavors, I decided to see how they fare when combined with milk.

    To my surprise, while the milk didn't completely suppress the earthiness, it did make the cup more enjoyable, primarily because the taste of the milk came through, which rarely happens! The natural sweetness of the milk wasn't diminished, which was a pleasant aspect of the drink. Additionally, the bitterness of the coffee was tamed somewhat by the milk, making it more palatable without the need for added sweeteners.

    4/5! It seems that adding milk brings out the best qualities of this coffee pod, making it a more enjoyable experience overall.

    As Espresso:

    When brewed, the initial earthy smell was quite prominent and not particularly pleasant, and the taste was characterized by bitterness and acidity, with a thin texture.

    Thankfully, the earthiness falls away after a bit, revealing some more friendly scents. A roasty flavor helped to mask some of the earthiness, and I also detected some pleasant nutty notes. The aftertaste remained predominantly bitter - 2.5/5.

    The manufacturer describes this pod as a medium roast with sweet, buttery overtones. With an intensity level of 7, the manufacturer says this blend of beans is suitable for both espresso and milk-based drinks.

    Cupping Method:Rating reflects better experience with milk. This Nespresso capsule review was added to Coffee Roast with the permission of coffeepodthoughts. See profile for more information.

    Rated: 4.00
    1 year ago · See more
  • This is the UCC Lungo Forte coffee - It's been a long time since I had a dedicated Lungo pod, so I'm glad to get back into it!

    Initially, the coffee was incredibly bitter, leaving an unpleasant lingering taste at the back of the throat. However, as I continued drinking, acidity and subtle spicy and floral scents emerged, making the flavor more complex. The roasted aromas were quite pronounced, and the coffee improved as I progressed, though it remained quite strong.

    This pod has a roasty chocolatey scent, with detectable spicy notes and a fruity flavor profile, thanks to the acidity - 4/5, absent of any obvious defects.

    The manufacturer describes this pod as a blend of Arabica beans with a hint of lightly roasted Robusta, offering toast and cereal notes. With a medium roast at an intensity of 6/12, this coffee is described as "pleasant".

    Cupping Method:This Nespresso capsule review was added to Coffee Roast with the permission of coffeepodthoughts. See profile for more information.

    Rated: 4.00
    1 year ago · See more
  • Medium Nespresso Capsule Woolworth's
    Flag of Australia Bella Vista


    The aroma of this coffee is initially chocolatey, but as it brews, it turns into a pleasant dried fruit scent that is quite inviting. The first few sips are quite sweet, with a nice nuttiness and welcoming acidity. However, the sweetness fades quickly, and the coffee becomes more bitter with each subsequent sip.

    That being said, the coffee has a smooth and nutty flavor profile, with a subtle sweetness that lingers in the background. While the bitterness is more pronounced than the sweetness, the overall balance of flavors is good, without anything too overwhelming.

    I would have preferred a bit more sweetness to balance out the bitterness, but this is still a tasty coffee with a good aroma. The aftertaste is bitter, as expected, but not unpleasant. Overall, I would give this coffee a rating of 4/5
    Rated: 4.00
    1 year ago · See more
  • In a previous review, I tried the Vittoria Coffee Family Cup capsules as espresso and found it to be a bit too acidic for my taste. This time, I decided to give them a try as an Americano, adding just a bit of extra water for a total of approximately 80ml.

    The additional water tempered down the acidity, allowing the natural scents of the coffee to come through more prominently. Although the "cucumbery" aroma may not seem like a conventional coffee trait, it was surprisingly pleasant in this context, and its presence was magnified in the Americano. There was still some bitterness in the flavor, but it was less pronounced than before.

    Considering these factors, I'm giving the Vittoria Coffee Family Cup capsules an overall rating of 4/5 when brewed as an Americano. This method offers a slight improvement over the espresso experience, making it a more enjoyable and balanced drink.

    Cupping Method:Recommend serving as an Americano. This Nespresso capsule review was added to Coffee Roast with the permission of coffeepodthoughts. See profile for more information.

    Rated: 4.00
    1 year ago · See more
  • Blonde Espresso Roast Starbucks
    Flag of United States Seattle, Washington


    The Blonde Espresso by Starbucks at Home is a light and fruity coffee pod that offers a sweet and acidic flavor with hints of berries and floral notes. While the aftertaste can be slightly bitter, the overall taste is smooth and easy to drink, making it an ideal choice for those who prefer a milder coffee that is not too intensely roasted. The nutty undertones provide an additional layer of complexity, resulting in a pleasant and enjoyable coffee experience without any harsh notes. Rating: 4/5.

    The manufacturer describes this pod as a mellow Latin American Arabican blend, light roasted to an intensity level of 6. It's supposed to be able to highlight the sweetness of milk, and is suitable for espresso and ristretto. Looking forward to trying these variants!

    Cupping Method:his Nespresso capsule review was added to Coffee Roast with the permission of coffeepodthoughts. See profile for more information.

    Rated: 4.00
    1 year ago · See more
  • Time for another Jewel Coffee (@jewelcoffeesg) pod! This is the Lightning Bolt, a strong coffee with very developed roasty and chocolatey notes. The flavor profile of this coffee is pleasantly nutty and spicy, with a bitterness that isn't at all off-putting, combining nicely with the aroma. This is quite the intense coffee, but executed in a way that makes me appreciate bitter coffees more - 4/5!

    The manufacturer describes this coffee as a blend of Brazilian and Peruvian beans, roasted to an intensity of 11, with fruity notes and a smooth finish. A great choice if you prefer stronger and more bitter coffees!

    Cupping Method:This Nespresso capsule review was added to Coffee Roast with the permission of coffeepodthoughts. See profile for more information.

    Rated: 4.00
    1 year ago · See more
  • ewel Coffee (@jewelcoffeesg) is a cafe chain I've physically been to on multiple occasions, so it's nice to see that they also have Nespresso coffee pods on sale in supermarkets!

    This is their El Salvador offering, in bright red plastic pods. Unfortunately, my machine struggled a little to brew these, often experiencing the "clear start" problem (where the first part of the drink is just water, seeping around the pod instead of through it), and even ostensibly over-pressuring on one occasion.

    But, technical issues aside, this drink is a delicious one. The texture is silky and the flavor is nutty and reminiscent of dried fruit, that is berry-like and pleasant. I don't remember enjoying the acidity of a drink as much as in this pod. The coffee's bitterness is most prominent in its aftertaste, and is not too overwhelming. 4/5 - A great drink, if you look past the technical issues of the pod itself.

    The manufacturer describes this pod as one with caramel flavors, an apple sweetness and a heavy body, with an intensity level of 7. I largely agree! This is a very fruity pod, and a very enjoyable one at that!

    Cupping Method:This Nespresso capsule review was added to Coffee Roast with the permission of coffeepodthoughts. See profile for more information.

    Rated: 4.00
    1 year ago · See more
  • Forte Nespresso Capsule Caffè Tiziano Bonini
    Flag of Italy Cinisello Balsamo


    Here's another taster pod from Caffe Tiziano Bonini - The Forte! The manufacturer describes this coffee simply as a strong one, with an intensity of 10/10, and boy does that ring true!

    The scent is strong and roasty, with woody and earthy notes (which are thankfully not too off-putting). The taste of the coffee itself is very bitter, with dark chocolate, nutty and creamy notes. Very, very bitter, as expected of a strong coffee, and yet a subtle sweetness manages to cut through. 4/5 - This is probably one of my favorite "strong" coffees yet. The bitterness is a bit too much for me to handle, but its flavor is just so unique I can't help but love it!

    Cupping Method:This Nespresso capsule review was added to Coffee Roast with the permission of coffeepodthoughts. See profile for more information.

    Rated: 4.00
    1 year ago · See more
  • ime for another single-portion tasting pod from Caffe Tiziano Bonini! This is their Classico Espresso, a pod marketed as a "traditional" or "classic" take on espresso!

    The scent is chocolatey and intense, with subtle notes of spice. The pod is strongly bitter, and yet that doesn't mask its acidity and sweetness. The aftertaste can be quite strong, so you might want to wash it down. Otherwise, 4/5 - A very pleasant strong coffee overall!

    Interestingly, the manufacturer doesn't market this as a strong coffee at all, favoring tasting notes like "gentle" and "delicate", giving the coffee an intensity rating of 6/10.

    Cupping Method:This Nespresso capsule review was added to Coffee Roast with the permission of coffeepodthoughts. See profile for more information.

    Rated: 4.00
    1 year ago · See more
  • Carioca Brazilian Blend Caffè Tiziano Bonini
    Flag of Italy Cinisello Balsamo


    Time for yet another taster pod from Caffe Tiziano Bonini - This is their Carioca Espresso. With a lightly nutty and roasty scent, I enjoyed the good balance of flavors here, with prominent sweetness. As you move down the cup, expect it to get somewhat more acidic, though not unpleasantly so. There is a lingering bitterness in the aftertaste, but overall, it's not off-putting in any way, making this a good example of a strong coffee that's not overwhelming - 4/5!

    This coffee is marketed by the manufacturer as a blend of Brazilian Arabicas, with a creamy cocoa scent. I wasn't able to find an official intensity rating for this one, but from experience, I'd put it around 10. A good coffee overall!

    Cupping Method:This Nespresso capsule review was added to Coffee Roast with the permission of coffeepodthoughts. See profile for more information.

    Rated: 4.00
    1 year ago · See more
  • Ristretto Decaffeinato Nespresso
    Flag of Switzerland Lausenne


    With my recent interest in ristrettos, this pod is ideal - The Ispirazione Ristretto Italiano, which I've gotten in decaf this time. Each time, I've brewed it (approximately) as a ristretto, cutting off the brew midway. This produces clear, sweet cups that are incredibly strong, perfectly walking the line between sweet and bitter. There are hints of nuttiness as well as a sweetness and tartness of berries. 4/5 - Perfect for a intense drink with a surprisingly subtle aftertaste.

    Nespresso markets this pod as a middle-dark roast of a blend of Arabica and Robusta, with an intensity level of 10. Supposedly true to traditional form, this coffee would carry through soft cocoa and fruity notes. At SGD$0.78 a pod, this is a standout decaf option that's going to be hard to beat!

    Cupping Method:This Nespresso capsule review was added to Coffee Roast with the permission of coffeepodthoughts. See profile for more information.

    Rated: 4.00
    1 year ago · See more
  • Here's yet another classic from Hook Coffee (@hook_coffee) that is also offered ground or as whole beans - Sweet Bundchen! This coffee has an aroma that is surprisingy floral, with biscuity notes. It is light and sweet, with just a touch of bitterness and impercetibly little acidity. All in all, a very pleasant and unique coffee down to the finish - No harshness, no disagreeable tastes. 4/5 - Very pleasant!

    This coffee is described by its manufacturer as creamy and bold with notes of milk chocolate and hazelnut, and has an intensity of 6. They've even name-dropped Kinder Bueno as the type of flavor profile they were going for! Having tasted it, I can definitely see why - The combination of flavors go together so well. This coffee is certainly very high up on the list of coffees I should revisit sometime to get to know better!

    Cupping Method:This Nespresso capsule review was added to Coffee Roast with the permission of coffeepodthoughts. See profile for more information.

    Rated: 4.00
    1 year ago · See more
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