Black Honey
Ethiopia Guji

Roaster Location: Flag of Ukraine Lyiv


Roast Level: Light
Bean Source Country: Ethiopia
Bean Source Region: Guji

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Roast Level: Light
Light roast coffee is a delicately roasted coffee that retains more of the beans' natural flavors and characteristics. Light-roasted coffees have bright acidity, complex fruit, and floral notes. Light roast coffee does not have less caffeine than darker roasts because caffeine levels remain stable during roasting.
Bean Source Country: Ethiopia
Widely regarded as the birthplace of coffee, Ethiopia boasts diverse and complex flavors, from bright, floral, and citrusy in Yirgacheffe to wine-like and berry-toned in Sidama. The country's heirloom varieties, combined with unique processing methods, make Ethiopian coffee truly distinctive and sought-after by enthusiasts worldwide.
Bean Source Region: Guji
Guji is a renowned coffee-growing region in southern Ethiopia, known for producing exceptional coffees with distinctive flavor profiles. Coffee from Guji is characterized by its vibrant acidity, floral aroma, and complex fruity notes. It often exhibits flavors of ripe berries, citrus, and stone fruits, with a medium body and a lingering sweetness.
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