Coffee Bros.
Floripondio Bolivia

Roaster Location: Flag of United States New York, New York


Roast Level: Dark
Bean Source Country: Bolivia

Floripondio Bolivia Cup of Excellence

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Roast Level: Dark
Dark roast coffee features a more intense, robust flavor profile due to its longer roasting time. Therefore, when selecting a dark roast, expect less acidity, a full body, and flavors like dark chocolate, smokiness, and a hint of bitterness.
Bean Source Country: Bolivia
While relatively limited in production volume, Bolivian coffee thrives in a cool climate and volcanic soil. The high altitude, often reaching 1,500 meters above sea level and beyond, contributes to a slower maturation process, allowing the flavors to develop more fully and resulting in a nuanced cup. This terroir gives Bolivian specialty coffee an exceptional taste, characterized by the harmonious blend of caramel, chocolate, and fruity undertones.

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Coffee Bros. is a coffee roaster from New York, NY United States. We have 9 cataloged roasts with 0 total reviews with a score of 0.

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