Green Apron Blend

Roaster Location: Flag of United States Seattle, Washington


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Roast Level: Blonde
Bean Source Country: International Blend
Varietal: Arabica
Character: Lighter roast actually means Green Apron Blend has more caffiene. For instance, Grande has 360 mg of caffeine versus Pike's Place Medium Roast which has 310 mg.

Green Apron Blend is a unique mix of coffees sourced equally from Latin America and Africa. It undergoes a light and swift roasting process, which enhances its inherent flavors. The resulting taste profile of this blend is predominantly sweet, citrusy, fruity, and nutty. The Starbucks Green Apron Blend derives its name from the iconic green aprons worn by Starbucks baristas.

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2 ratings
Ratings here are based on aggregated user reviews of individual roasts from Starbucks.
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Latest Reviews and Tasting Notes

  • Theo Chan, Managing Editor

    1265 roasts rated, avg score of 4.28

    4.50 - Average

    4.00 - Aroma

    4.50 - Value

    4.50 - Finish

    4.50 - Flavor

    4.50 - Acidity

    4.50 - Balance

    In the broad array of Starbucks coffee blends, the Green Apron Blend is a recent addition. I spotted it during a routine coffee run and decided to try it as a regular brew and an iced coffee. As a regular coffee drinker, I found this blend especially refreshing as an iced coffee.

    Green Apron Blend's marketing describes it as a blonde roast. However, this label doesn't tell the whole story. In reality, this coffee aligns more closely with the flavors associated with a light or light-medium roast. Unlike some Starbucks offerings, the Green Apron Blend doesn't have a strong bitter edge. Interestingly, it also lacks the high acidity often associated with lighter roasts. This results in a cleaner, more balanced drinking experience compared to other options like the Veranda Blend.

    When it comes to flavor notes, the Green Apron Blend has a unique combination. It presents a subtle hint of chocolate-orange flavor with a touch of clean acidity, almost devoid of any bitterness. This makes it a solid choice for everyday coffee, as a fitting replacement for a light blend or breakfast blend.

    Hot or cold, the blend has something to offer. When hot, it unveils a more chocolate-oriented flavor, but the iced version is where the blend truly excels. Chilling the Green Apron Blend accentuates its citrus notes, offering a refreshing twist to the usual coffee profile. In conclusion, Starbucks' Green Apron Blend, especially as an iced coffee, is worthwhile for those looking to explore a different facet of coffee flavors.

    Cupping Method:At Starbucks in Burlington, MA, both hot and iced

    1 year ago · See more from Theo
  • Victoria S-C

    488 roasts rated, avg score of 4.30

    4.00 - Average

    4.00 - Value

    4.00 - Finish

    4.00 - Flavor

    4.50 - Acidity

    4.50 - Balance

    Did a blind tasting and instantly knew this was Starbucks. Smooth, not bitter, light, too easy to drink. Proper acidity and nicely balanced.

    Cupping Method:Iced black

    1 year ago · See more from Victoria

More Details

Roast Level: Blonde
Blonde roast beans have a light brown or amber color and a dry surface. Blonde roast coffee tends to have a delicate and nuanced flavor, with hints of acidity and brightness. It often exhibits floral, fruity, or citrusy notes, and the body is usually lighter compared to darker roasts. The blonde roast's flavor profile allows the coffee beans' natural characteristics to shine through, offering a smooth and refreshing cup of coffee with a clean finish.
Bean Source Country: International Blend
International blend coffee refers to a blend of coffee beans sourced from different regions or countries worldwide. International blends combine beans with distinct flavor profiles and characteristics, resulting in a harmonious and complex cup of coffee. The quality of an international blend depends on the expertise of the coffee roaster, who carefully selects and combines beans to achieve a specific flavor and balance. Roasters who excel in crafting international blends have a deep understanding of the different growing regions, varietals, and processing methods.

Best Rated Roasts of Starbucks

Starbucks is a coffee roaster from Seattle, WA United States. We have 102 cataloged roasts with 68 total reviews with a score of 4.02.

International Rank: #953 out of 959
Ranking is based on a combination of reviews and popularity on
Name Roast Level Bean Source
Light International Blend
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Dark International Blend

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