Pret a Manger

Roaster Location: Flag of United Kingdom London


Roast Level: Dark
Organic Menu

This page is for drinker reviews of Pret a Manger’s house espresso, which is organic dark roast.

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1 rating
Ratings here are based on aggregated user reviews of individual roasts from Pret a Manger.
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Latest Reviews and Tasting Notes

  • Theo Chan, Managing Editor

    1282 roasts rated, avg score of 4.28

    3.00 - Average

    3.50 - Aroma

    2.50 - Value

    3.00 - Finish

    3.00 - Flavor

    2.50 - Acidity

    4.00 - Balance

    When it comes to grabbing a quick bite or a caffeine fix on the go, Pret a Manger has consistently managed to be a reliable choice for many. With its fresh selection of sandwiches, salads, and now, even organic coffee, the franchise has positioned itself as a convenient pit stop for travelers hustling through airports. So, it was with an intrigued palate that I finally decided to delve into their world of coffee during a preflight pickup at Terminal 3 of Charles de Gaulle airport.

    Overall, my experience with Pret a Manger's organic coffee was a mixed bag, which led me to assign it a middling 3 out of 5 stars in my personal coffee journey.

    Let's start with the positives. The coffee proudly boasts its organic and 100% Arabica origin, giving a nod to those who value environmentally-friendly and quality-conscious choices. It's a commendable move on Pret's part, showing an awareness of the growing preference for ethically sourced products. Furthermore, the use of a Cimbali S60 espresso machine for pulling the shots definitely caught my attention. This professional-grade equipment promised a coffee experience that could potentially transcend the airport coffee stereotype.

    As I took my first sip, the initial impressions were of both bitterness and smoothness. The juxtaposition of these two characteristics might seem paradoxical, yet it was exactly that bittersweet blend that defined the coffee's flavor profile. There was a distinct smokiness that lingered, adding a layer of complexity to the sip. The coffee's mouthfeel was satisfactory, neither too watery nor too heavy, striking a balance that appealed to my on-the-go requirements.

    However, where the coffee faltered slightly was in its finish. The aftertaste, while not unpleasant, didn't leave a lasting impression. It was a rather nondescript fade that failed to elevate the overall experience.

    While Pret a Manger's organic espresso certainly served its purpose as a preflight pickup, it didn't manage to spark the kind of excitement that some specialty coffee houses can instill. The combination of bitterness, smoothness, and a hint of smokiness showcased a coffee that was decent, yet not remarkable. It was like meeting an old friend who had changed just enough to be different, but not enough to be captivatingly new.

    In the grand scheme of airport coffee options, Pret a Manger's offering does manage to stand above some of the more mediocre choices. It's a commendable attempt at providing travelers with a satisfying coffee experience, complete with a touch of organic goodness. But for those seeking a truly memorable cup of coffee, one might need to look elsewhere.

    So, there you have itPret a Manger's organic coffee in Terminal 3 of Charles de Gaulle airport, a coffee that leaves you content, if not awestruck. It's a dependable companion for a preflight caffeine fix, but perhaps not the coffee that will be etched in your memory as a must-have.
    1 year ago · See more from Theo

More Details

Roast Level: Dark
Dark roast coffee features a more intense, robust flavor profile due to its longer roasting time. Therefore, when selecting a dark roast, expect less acidity, a full body, and flavors like dark chocolate, smokiness, and a hint of bitterness.
Organic coffee is produced without synthetic chemicals, such as pesticides, herbicides, and artificial fertilizers. Instead, organic coffee farmers rely on natural and sustainable agricultural practices like crop rotation, composting, and biological pest control. To be labeled as organic, coffee must meet strict regulations and certification criteria set by governing bodies, such as the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) or the European Union (EU). Organic coffee not only supports environmental sustainability but may also offer health benefits, as it contains fewer chemical residues than conventionally grown coffee.
The "Menu Item" flag was created so that the Coffee Roast community can track menu items such as espresso drinks or specialty concoctions at their favorite cafe. Reviewers can grade the underlying "roast," the beans used in their drink, according to their preference, or the ordered item itself.

Best Rated Roasts of Pret a Manger

Pret a Manger is a coffee roaster from London, United Kingdom. We have 2 cataloged roasts with 2 total reviews with a score of 3.25.

International Rank: #916 out of 968
Ranking is based on a combination of reviews and popularity on
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