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Nespresso Reviews

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37 ratings
Ratings here are based on aggregated user reviews of individual roasts from Nespresso.
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4 star
3 star
2 star
1 star

All Reviews(37)

  • Coffee Pod Thoughts

    79 roasts rated, avg score of 3.23

    5.00 - Average

    The Ispirazione Firenze Arpeggio by Nespresso is a fine choice packed with loads of sweetness, yet managing to showcase its own flair with its hints of bitterness and acidity, the roastiness kicking in in the form of an intense bitter aftertaste. Expect a powerful chocolatey scent and hazelnutty notes with every sip. Almost perfect, though I wish the aftertaste would be a little less intense - Overall, still an awesome 5/5!

    Cupping Method:This Nespresso capsule review was added to Coffee Roast with the permission of coffeepodthoughts. See profile for more information.

    1 year ago · See more from Coffee Pod
  • Coffee Pod Thoughts

    79 roasts rated, avg score of 3.23

    5.00 - Average

    Editor's Note: We've aggregated 3 reviews of this roast with permission from Coffeepodthoughts (follow on Instagram!)

    One of the things I had wanted to try with Nespresso's Filter Style Intense pod was whether brewing it as Espresso+Lungo really did anything, so again, I tried brewing this pod just as a Lungo, then topping up with water to make up the difference.

    With the Filter Style Mild pod, there was little change in taste, but with this one, the differences were more noticable (albeit still subtle). It's very slightly milder and nuanced, but I'm happy to report that all the nice spicy notes are still there, and there is almost a double sweetness to it.

    I almost like this more than the regular brew method. Very satisfying - 5/5!

    Having tried Nespresso's Filter Style Intense coffee on its own previously, and knowing that it's quite strong, I wondered how it would taste alongside milk - Here I brewed it as a flat white - Just milk and coffee, no frothing or anything.

    It came out quite bitter, but well balanced - You can detect both coffee and milk and neither overwhelms the other. I sweetened it very slightly with just a third of my usual sweetener to take the edge off the bitterness, and it became perfect! 4.5/5 - I absolutely love the versatility of this pod!

    Here's another pod from Nespresso's Barista Creations Filter Style series - The Filter Style Intense is a robust discovery, boasting strong, roasty aromas that captivate your senses from the moment you break open the foil. This intense variant delivers a decidedly richer experience than its mild counterpart.

    A tantalizing combination of intense spiciness and deep, roasted undertones, this brew is richly nuanced without becoming overwhelming. The taste holds a remarkable balance, with the bitterness kept in check by just the right mix of acidity and sweetness, leaving a subtly bitter aftertaste.

    This pod also reveals a light nutty flavor and a pleasing complexity, its presence becoming all the more appreciated in a larger cup. In essence, the Filter Style Intense sets a new benchmark for big cups of coffee from the Nespresso machine.

    Overall Rating: 5/5 - Truly a stand-out in its category.

    The manufacturer describes this pod as one with a velvety texture, a sandalwood finish, a honeyed sweetness, and smoky earthy notes, each adding to the symphony of flavors this pod delivers.

    Cupping Method:This Nespresso capsule review was added to Coffee Roast with the permission of coffeepodthoughts. See profile for more information.

    1 year ago · See more from Coffee Pod
  • Coffee Pod Thoughts

    79 roasts rated, avg score of 3.23

    4.50 - Average

    The Cosi is pleasant and roasty, with nutty notes. It's also very fruity, in its blend of sweetness and acidity. It also finishes very pleasantly, leaving behind a light, subtle bitterness in the aftertaste. 4.5/5 - A delicious coffee that can absolutely be enjoyed on its own.

    Marketed as a blend of Arabicas with toasted cereal and fruity notes, Nespresso puts this coffee at a 4 on the intensity scale. At SGD$0.74 a pod, this is a great daily-driver coffee if you like black coffees that are pleasant without a lot of bitterness!

    Cupping Method:This Nespresso capsule review was added to Coffee Roast with the permission of coffeepodthoughts. See profile for more information.

    1 year ago · See more from Coffee Pod
  • Coffee Pod Thoughts

    79 roasts rated, avg score of 3.23

    4.50 - Average

    A rich and intense pod with a nutty, chocolatey scent and subtle sweetness and acidity, this is a pod that is enjoyable, and everything you're looking for in an espresso! Smooth and harmonious and well balanced, there will be no surprises in this one, just a high quality drink.

    I wish it was a little sweeter and the aftertaste a little less harsh, but these are nitpicks. Still a great pod - 4.5/5

    The box lists this pod at an intensity level of 6/13, describing it to have cereal notes.

    Cupping Method:This Nespresso capsule review was added to Coffee Roast with the permission of coffeepodthoughts. See profile for more information.

    1 year ago · See more from Coffee Pod
  • Theo Chan, Managing Editor

    1265 roasts rated, avg score of 4.28

    4.50 - Average

    4.00 - Aroma

    4.00 - Finish

    4.50 - Flavor

    4.00 - Acidity

    4.50 - Balance

    Crema looks big and lush but mouthfeel isnt quite there but still pleasant. Some nice spice, clove and almost peppery. Very intense but still smooth. I think Nespresso does well in the darker ranges. Bitterness and woody character are present but not out of control.

    Cupping Method:Nespresso capsule in France, but I think this one is available globally

    1 year ago · See more from Theo
  • Theo Chan, Managing Editor

    1265 roasts rated, avg score of 4.28

    4.50 - Average

    I revisited today and got a good quality Italian roast style espresso out of this. I feel like overall I've been negative on Nespresso as I've moved into the specialty coffee world. That hasn't been my intention. Good crema, and smokiness with pleasant balance. Liked it better than an Italian roast I had from a local roaster/shop yesterday that was pretty good.

    I have a lot of capsules and I had a few ones that I used steadily over the years and liked.
    I had been frustrated with some of the woody specialty coffee ones that had that felt like more marketing than great coffee.

    Cupping Method:Nespresso Machine

    1 year ago · See more from Theo
  • Coffee Pod Thoughts

    79 roasts rated, avg score of 3.23

    4.50 - Average

    This is Nespresso's Volluto, a light roast packed with sweetness! When brewed, expect a beautiful sweet scent reminiscent of chocolate wafers. As you work your way through a cup, you'll get a lot of sweet nutty flavors, with subtle but present notes of bitterness and acidity, which ramp up as you get to the end, finishing with a lingering bitterness. 4.5/5 - Reminiscent of a slightly subtler Ispirazione Firenze Arpeggio, which is one of his highly rated coffees.

    Nespresso describes this coffee to be a blend of Arabicas from small Brazillian and Colombian plantations. With an intensity of 4, expect caramelly biscuit notes - And on this, the Volluto absolutely delivers! At SGD$0.74 a pod, this is a relatively affordable way of getting your hands on a delicious coffee!

    Cupping Method:This Nespresso capsule review was added to Coffee Roast with the permission of coffeepodthoughts. See profile for more information.

    1 year ago · See more from Coffee Pod
  • Coffee Pod Thoughts

    79 roasts rated, avg score of 3.23

    4.50 - Average

    As you know, the Filter Style coffees by Nespresso are supposed to be brewed with one push of the lungo button, followed by another push of the espresso button to get a 150ml cup. I wanted to see if there was really any value-add to doing this, so I brewed the Nespresso Filter Style Mild pod as a Lungo and then topped it up with an extra 40ml of water instead, creating a drink of the same size but a different composition.

    Interestingly, the results were barely different. This cup came out subtly lighter and a smidge spicier, but the differences are really negligible.

    The result is still great, but it seems to show that the suggested brew method doesn't really do much.

    Cupping Method:This Nespresso capsule review was added to Coffee Roast with the permission of coffeepodthoughts. See profile for more information.

    1 year ago · See more from Coffee Pod
  • Theo Chan, Managing Editor

    1265 roasts rated, avg score of 4.28

    4.50 - Average

    4.50 - Aroma

    4.00 - Finish

    4.00 - Flavor

    4.00 - Acidity

    4.50 - Balance

    A tasty espresso that drinks as a medium at a cafe. European breakfast biscuit, chocolate, and a touch of blackberry. Massive crema and great mouthfeel.

    Cupping Method:From a Nespresso Professional machine.

    8 months ago · See more from Theo
  • Theo Chan, Managing Editor

    1265 roasts rated, avg score of 4.28

    4.50 - Average

    4.50 - Aroma

    4.50 - Finish

    4.50 - Flavor

    4.50 - Acidity

    4.50 - Balance

    I can be a little hard on Nespresso I think, it's probably because it's sort of the minimum benchmark that needs to be beat to be respectable in my mind, so of course it's a bit below average in scoring on reviews from me.

    This Forte capsule is different. I've been drinking a ton of different espressos recently in different ranges, and this one's quite good. The depth of flavor is quite good. It hits the right dark chocolate, roasted walnut, and trailing blackberry notes with a lot of richness and complexity.

    The crema was medium but quite lush, and overall the Forte capsule had excellent mouthfeel.

    Cupping Method:I had this at the Vdara (Las Vegas) spa, on what I think is a Nespresso Professional machine

    3 months ago · See more from Theo
  • Coffee Pod Thoughts

    79 roasts rated, avg score of 3.23

    4.00 - Average

    With my recent interest in ristrettos, this pod is ideal - The Ispirazione Ristretto Italiano, which I've gotten in decaf this time. Each time, I've brewed it (approximately) as a ristretto, cutting off the brew midway. This produces clear, sweet cups that are incredibly strong, perfectly walking the line between sweet and bitter. There are hints of nuttiness as well as a sweetness and tartness of berries. 4/5 - Perfect for a intense drink with a surprisingly subtle aftertaste.

    Nespresso markets this pod as a middle-dark roast of a blend of Arabica and Robusta, with an intensity level of 10. Supposedly true to traditional form, this coffee would carry through soft cocoa and fruity notes. At SGD$0.78 a pod, this is a standout decaf option that's going to be hard to beat!

    Cupping Method:This Nespresso capsule review was added to Coffee Roast with the permission of coffeepodthoughts. See profile for more information.

    1 year ago · See more from Coffee Pod
  • Coffee Pod Thoughts

    79 roasts rated, avg score of 3.23

    4.00 - Average

    Time to give Nespresso's coconut flavored summer drink another try! This time, I pulled a shot into warm, frothy milk, making a more comfortable creamy drink charged with the sweet vanillary flavors of coconut. Now this becomes a very pleasant beverage, especially if also sweetened. Works well both hot and cold - 4/5!

    If you're into coffee strictly for coffee flavors, then perhaps this one isn't for you. But if you're open to mixing and matching to create sweet, flavored beverages, having a pod like this gives you lots of room for creativity. Definitely a fun pod, and I'm glad I had a chance to give it a try!

    As Espresso:

    I jumped at the opportunity to try out Nespresso's limited edition Coconut over Ice, since coconut is a flavor I love! Nespresso recommends brewing this as an espresso over 90g of ice, which is what I have done here.

    When brewed, my kitchen filled up immediately with a powerful coconut scent, which is actually rather overwhelming. Indeed, I could not detect any of the natural flavors of the coffee at all, not especially over its heavy acidity and bitterness. The same is true for its aftertaste, which lingers unpleasantly. I do believe this drink has a lot of promise, but it needs milk and sugar if you want it to be a refreshing enjoyable beverage. As it is - 2.5/5.

    Nespresso's Barista Creations line is a curious one indeed, featuring coffees that are flavored and/or designed to go with milk. The description on this one is pretty scant, it speaks of roasted, caramelly notes and hints of vanilla, which I unfortunately failed to pick up on. Keep your eyes peeled on this space - I'm going to try a few variants soon to hopefully do this coffee better justice!

    Cupping Method:This Nespresso capsule review was added to Coffee Roast with the permission of coffeepodthoughts. See profile for more information.

    1 year ago · See more from Coffee Pod
  • Theo Chan, Managing Editor

    1265 roasts rated, avg score of 4.28

    4.00 - Average

    4.00 - Flavor

    4.00 - Balance

    For many years my go-to decaf for after dinner and affogato. Nice crema, solid medium espresso.

    Cupping Method:Delonghi 680

    1 year ago · See more from Theo
  • Veronica Fair

    12 roasts rated, avg score of 4.67

    4.00 - Average

    Smooth, rich crema (as much crema as an espresso but this is regular coffee). Not bitter or sour. Doesnt even need sugar. Good with half and half or alone. Great price!
    1 year ago · See more from Veronica
  • Coffee Pod Thoughts

    79 roasts rated, avg score of 3.23

    4.00 - Average

    Going back to one of Nespresso's offerings - The Capriccio pod!

    I do quite like how this pod smells strong yet tastes light. It's quite acidic, so expect a fruity vibe with just a hint of sweetness. There are some beautiful nutty scents, but do also expect a pretty harsh finish that lingers. Overall, a pleasant pod - 4/5!

    The box lists this as a light roasted Arabica/Robusta blend with an intensity level of 5 - Mild but with a twist, which I fully agree with!

    Cupping Method:This Nespresso capsule review was added to Coffee Roast with the permission of coffeepodthoughts. See profile for more information.

    1 year ago · See more from Coffee Pod
  • Theo Chan, Managing Editor

    1265 roasts rated, avg score of 4.28

    4.00 - Average

    Retried Capriccio August 15, 2023, on a capsule machine at an AirBNB in Paris.

    Don't think I will change the review but as I've been drinking so much espresso I think this is more like a 3.5 as it just lacks complexity. Similar characteristics as well. Definitely finding a deep chocolate tone lingering on the palate in a pleasant way at the end.

    A perfectly good of shot of espresso or lungo without to me any real distinguishing characteristics. Maybe a little bit bran-flaky in a good way, maybe in a little blackberry in a good way. Extracts nicely with a good crema and good balance. Tasty mid-palate. On the lighter side for Nespresso (but probably something like a medium roast overall). Sampled multiple times as espresso and lungo using Delonghi Latissima 660.
    1 year ago · See more from Theo
  • Theo Chan, Managing Editor

    1265 roasts rated, avg score of 4.28

    4.00 - Average

    4.50 - Aroma

    4.00 - Value

    4.00 - Finish

    4.00 - Flavor

    4.00 - Acidity

    4.00 - Balance

    Actually at an AirBnB with a variety of Nespresso machine when coffeepodthoughts reviews got entered and saw he loved Arpeggio. Low and behold I have one and realized I hadnt reviewed it. I used to buy a lot of these.

    Verdict I still like its. Chocolate with a bit of spice, and one of the lusher Nespresso cremas. I find it straightforward and prefer a bit more complexity myself but its easy to see what this one is a standby. It was always the ones my wife liked her lattes the best with.
    1 year ago · See more from Theo
  • Theo Chan, Managing Editor

    1265 roasts rated, avg score of 4.28

    4.00 - Average

    A classic. Steady and tasty as a shot or lungo.
    1 year ago · See more from Theo
  • Theo Chan, Managing Editor

    1265 roasts rated, avg score of 4.28

    4.00 - Average

    Have had so many of these. Rock solid.
    1 year ago · See more from Theo
  • Coffee Pod Thoughts

    79 roasts rated, avg score of 3.23

    4.00 - Average

    We kick off our first review with the Nicaragua pod from Nespresso's Master Origins series! When brewed, this pod filled my kitchen with a deliciously powerful chocolatey smell. The shot was clean and light, sweet and very welcoming. I rate this 4/5, and would love to go back to this flavor in the future!

    Described as Sweet and Harmonious by Nespresso, with tasting notes of nectar, a standout point about this coffee is in the "Black Honey" processing of the beans, a labor intensive process that produces a lot of sweetness and richness. This can be served as an espresso, a lungo, or with milk. Each pod is priced at SGD$0.90, so it's not the cheapest option you can get, but for its taste, I'd say it's worth the price!

    Cupping Method:This Nespresso capsule review was added to Coffee Roast with the permission of coffeepodthoughts. See profile for more information.

    1 year ago · See more from Coffee Pod
  • Theo Chan, Managing Editor

    1265 roasts rated, avg score of 4.28

    4.00 - Average

    4 actually thought this was tasty, especially as a lungo. I dont feel this way about all of the traditional Nespresso capsules. Balanced, great crema. More of a medium roast. Maybe lacking a signature characteristic or fruit.

    Cupping Method:Sampled as espresso and lungo using Delonghi Latissima 660.

    1 year ago · See more from Theo
  • Veronica Fair

    12 roasts rated, avg score of 4.67

    4.00 - Average

    Nespresso's Livanto capsule is a type of coffee capsule that is compatible with Nespresso coffee machines. I have a Delonghi 680 that I break out on occasion.

    Livanto is one of Nespresso's classic espresso blends and is made from a combination of Central and South American Arabica beans. The Livanto capsule produces a balanced and smooth espresso with a medium intensity and a slight hint of caramel. I think its quite drinkable with a good crema. Its pretty smooth and balanced, but definitely lacking something. A coffee I dont have complaints about or sing the praises of either. So-so aftertaste compared to really great espresso, a little carbon in there.

    Its good for making cappuchinos and lattes. I try not to discriminate against big line products as I think they are well-engineered. I built up a large stock of capsules before I got into specialty roasts and sustainability and am still working through them.

    Cupping Method:Nespresso Delonghi 660

    1 year ago · See more from Veronica
  • Gabriel N

    9 roasts rated, avg score of 4.50

    4.00 - Average

    It does the job.
    3 weeks ago · See more from Gabriel
  • Theo Chan, Managing Editor

    1265 roasts rated, avg score of 4.28

    4.00 - Average

    For some time I thought volluto meant biscuit, and I had that association in my head. It definitely has a slight European breakfast biscuit flavor to it. It's one of the better Nespresso capsules.
    1 year ago · See more from Theo
  • Theo Chan, Managing Editor

    1265 roasts rated, avg score of 4.28

    3.50 - Average

    Sampled multiple times as espresso and lungo using Delonghi Latissima 660.
    1 year ago · See more from Theo
  • Coffee Pod Thoughts

    79 roasts rated, avg score of 3.23

    3.50 - Average

    Now that I've become more wary about more "Intense" drinks, I went out of my way to find a pod with a lower intensity. Enter the Buenos Aires Lungo from Nespresso's World Explorations series. With a listed intensity of 4, I had hoped for milder and sweeter flavors. And sure enough, that is what I got!

    The coffee from this pod has a subtle sweetness, with cereal and spice notes. It gives off a woody, berry-like scent, and is well balanced between sweetness and bitterness. 3.5/5 - I like the flavor profile, but I wish it were more pronounced.

    This coffee tastes like a somewhat muted version of L'Or's Profondo Lungo. If you like a stronger alternative to this coffee, you might want to give that a try!

    Cupping Method:This Nespresso capsule review was added to Coffee Roast with the permission of coffeepodthoughts. See profile for more information.

    1 year ago · See more from Coffee Pod
  • Coffee Pod Thoughts

    79 roasts rated, avg score of 3.23

    3.50 - Average

    I found the decaf version slightly more muted, with a touch less sweetness and just a bit more harshness in the bitterness. The regular is brighter and overall more pleasant - 3.5/5 for similarity.

    Cupping Method:This Nespresso capsule review was added to Coffee Roast with the permission of coffeepodthoughts. See profile for more information.

    1 year ago · See more from Coffee Pod
  • Theo Chan, Managing Editor

    1265 roasts rated, avg score of 4.28

    3.50 - Average

    Not bad in my opinion. Though not super exciting, it always makes a nice crema. Drinkable, smooth, medium roast feel with good balance. Maybe a slightly metallic aftertaste.
    1 year ago · See more from Theo
  • Coffee Pod Thoughts

    79 roasts rated, avg score of 3.23

    3.50 - Average

    We're going back to basics today with an Ispirazione-series pod from Nespresso itself! This is the Italiana Livanto, and pod that immediately wowed me when I started the brew. The fragrance is incredibly intense, filling my kitchen with a nutty and chocolatey flavor. With a sip, I realized that the coffee is really quite intensely bitter, not unpleasant, but it could be overpowering if you're not expecting it - 3.5/5. If this pod was sweeter and less bitter, this would've been a perfect one!

    The Livanto is marketed by Nespresso as a balanced coffee with an intensity rating of 6, which I found rather surprising considering how bitter it tasted to me! Nespresso describes this coffee as one with cereal and caramel notes, and recommends brewing it as an espresso or with milk. At SGD$0.74 a pod, this coffee sits comfortably at an average price point, and would be a great option if you like your coffee intense, by every definition of the word!

    Cupping Method:This Nespresso capsule review was added to Coffee Roast with the permission of coffeepodthoughts. See profile for more information.

    1 year ago · See more from Coffee Pod
  • Coffee Pod Thoughts

    79 roasts rated, avg score of 3.23

    3.50 - Average

    Here's another one of Nespresso's time-limited collaboration coffees, the Infiniment Espresso! I love how roasty and chocolatey this coffee smells. There is a slight eartiness and nuttiness to it, and it tastes sweet, balanced with a slight acidity, which turns into a subtle fruity bitterness in the aftertaste. Overall, 3.5/5!

    Nespresso markets the Infiniment Espresso as a well-balanced drink with an intensity level of 6 with cereal and fruity notes.

    Cupping Method:This Nespresso capsule review was added to Coffee Roast with the permission of coffeepodthoughts. See profile for more information.

    1 year ago · See more from Coffee Pod
  • Theo Chan, Managing Editor

    1265 roasts rated, avg score of 4.28

    3.00 - Average

    3.00 - Acidity

    3.00 - Balance

    The decaf Nespresso Pro capsule was bust for me after the really good Forte capsule I had from the same machine. I don't think it was underextracted, but I might have gotten a batch that's stale.

    The flavor was just a bit weak, without any standout characteristics and a hollow woodiness. The crema was pathetic. It almost tasted like mediocre filter coffee.

    Cupping Method:At Vdara Spa in Las Vegas. I used the same machine for a forte capsule that was much better just an hour before.

    3 months ago · See more from Theo
  • Coffee Pod Thoughts

    79 roasts rated, avg score of 3.23

    3.00 - Average

    A little late to the party (as some have reported this flavor running out!), but it's time to look at one of Nespresso's time-limited collaboration flavors, starting with the most interesting-looking flavored option - The Infiniment Fruit!

    This is a raspberry-flavored pod, which, truth be told, is a rather unusual combination right off the bat. When brewed, you get a nice raspberry scent reminiscent more of fruit preserves than of artificial flavoring, which is of course a good thing! As an espresso, this pod is acidic with a subtle sweet fruitiness. The aftertaste gets very bitter after a while, which I struggled with a little. Of course, it's not easy to get any specific tasting notes under the flavoring, but I do detect a slight nuttiness. Overall - 3/5. I find it a little hard to enjoy it on its own, but I might have better luck having this as a beverage with milk and sugar!

    At SGD$1.00 a pod, this is undoubtedly a somewhat more premium pod. Fun to try, I suppose, but not my favorite amidst Nespresso's very strong lineup.

    Cupping Method:This Nespresso capsule review was added to Coffee Roast with the permission of coffeepodthoughts. See profile for more information.

    1 year ago · See more from Coffee Pod
  • Theo Chan, Managing Editor

    1265 roasts rated, avg score of 4.28

    3.00 - Average

    Has some good flavor characteristics but it is too acidic for an after dinner decaf.

    Cupping Method:Nespresso

    1 year ago · See more from Theo
  • Theo Chan, Managing Editor

    1265 roasts rated, avg score of 4.28

    3.00 - Average

    3.50 - Aroma

    2.00 - Value

    3.00 - Finish

    2.50 - Flavor

    3.00 - Acidity

    3.00 - Balance

    It's a weirdly balanced, not quite right espresso. It can be covered up with milk but it's very heavy on the cedar and tobacco. Maybe just not my thing.

    Cupping Method:Lungo and espresso out of Delonghi Lattissima 660

    1 year ago · See more from Theo
  • Theo Chan, Managing Editor

    1265 roasts rated, avg score of 4.28

    3.00 - Average

    Some elements work, decent crema. Doesnt taste too robusta. But I think woody for sure and a bit bitter. Not really sure why this one made it to market.

    Cupping Method:Lungo, espresso

    Traits: woody
    1 year ago · See more from Theo
  • Coffee Pod Thoughts

    79 roasts rated, avg score of 3.23

    3.00 - Average

    Nespresso's Stockholm Lungo from its World Explorations series is surprisingly intense, even as a Lungo, putting out roasty aromas from the moment the first drop hits the cup. Its aromas are fairly muted, with subtle berry and chocolatey scents. The drink has a fair amount of sweetness counterbalanced by an equally perceptible bitterness, finishing quite bitter, and leaving behind a bitter and acidic aftertaste that's a little hard on the throat. Overall, 3.5/5.

    Nespresso markets this pod as an all-Arabica Swedish coffee with a malty savory note, at an intensity level of 8. At SGD$0.82 a pod, this coffee is a good buy if you prefer larger coffees with milk and sugar, since you can be sure it's intense enough to cut through milk. Even my family members, who have previously been drinking instant coffee, found this pod (with coffee and sugar) a good first step into the world of Nespresso!

    Cupping Method:This Nespresso capsule review was added to Coffee Roast with the permission of coffeepodthoughts. See profile for more information.

    1 year ago · See more from Coffee Pod
  • Coffee Pod Thoughts

    79 roasts rated, avg score of 3.23

    1.00 - Average

    Here's another entry in Nespresso's summer limited edition drinks, the Freddo Intenso! I love a nice strong coffee, so I gave this a try, following package instructions which is to pull a shot into 90g of ice. Aaaand, this was an absolutely bitter punch to the face! Despite the dilution from the ice, this drink is still full-bodied and overwhelmingly bitter, with a plum-like acidity.

    Underneath the bitterness you get subtle hints of earthiness and cocoa, but to be honest, the strong flavors are far too overwhelming for this to be enjoyable - 0.5/5, too bitter, too acidic. Maybe I'll try this with a bit of milk next time.

    Nespresso describes this as a dark roast blend with bold and intense flavors, but have not assigned this a number on their "intensity" scale. While I get what they're going for, this really isn't a drink for me.

    Cupping Method:This Nespresso capsule review was added to Coffee Roast with the permission of coffeepodthoughts. See profile for more information.

    1 year ago · See more from Coffee Pod
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