Danelaw Coffee
Honduras Rosely Hernandez

Roaster Location: Flag of United Kingdom Holmfirth
Rated 4 stars out of 5


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Roast Level: Medium
Bean Source Country: Honduras
Bean Source Region: Ocotepeque
Varietal: Pacas, Catuai
Process: Washed


Rated 4 stars out of 5


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    Q Reviews

    74 roasts rated, avg score of 4.47

    Rated 4 stars out of 5

    4.00 - Average

    It says Pacas and Catuai on the bag label but I think its maybe Catimor; an interesting varietal. If it is then that would explain some slight earthy notes that popped up in the cup. It contributes to what is a really robust, full bodied pretty straightforward coffee. The sort of coffee youd want as the base of an espresso blend maybe.

    Its obviously been (very well) roasted for espresso too which tends to cost a point of two on the cupping table. This is for fans of an orthodox coffee? flavour theres plenty to enjoy chocolate and nutty notes, caramel sweetness and yeah a bit of an earthy note too. But its better for espresso and milk based drinks I think.

    I popped this in the hopper and made very satisfying flat whites with the rest of the bag.

    Cupping Method:Follow @the_qreview on Instagram for photos and the full post.

More Details

Roast Level: Medium
Medium roast coffee balances the beans' natural flavors and the roasting process, providing a well-rounded taste profile. When selecting a medium roast, look for a balance of acidity and sweetness, with caramel, nuts, and chocolate notes and a medium body.
Bean Source Country: Honduras
Honduran specialty coffee is distinguished by its diverse growing regions, such as Copán, Santa Bárbara, and Comayagua, each offering distinct flavor profiles due to the country's varied microclimates and elevations. Coffee from Honduras often features bright acidity, medium body, and a range of flavors, including fruity, nutty, and chocolatey notes.
Bean Source Region: Ocotepeque
Specialty coffee from Ocotepeque, a region located in western Honduras near the border with Guatemala, showcases the distinctive terroir of this picturesque location. Nestled within the Ocotepeque mountain range, coffee farms benefit from the region's altitude of 1,200 to 1,600 meters above sea level. The combination of rich volcanic soil, cool climate, and consistent rainfall creates the perfect environment for cultivating high-quality Arabica coffee beans. The unique microclimates within Ocotepeque contribute to the nuanced flavors found in the coffee, with variations from different farms and micro-regions showcasing their characteristics. This specific terroir imparts a notable brightness, a delicate acidity, and a refined sweetness.

Best Rated Roasts of Danelaw Coffee

Danelaw Coffee is a coffee roaster from Holmfirth, United Kingdom. We have 2 cataloged roasts with 2 total reviews with a score of 4.50.

International Rank: #577 out of 1136

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