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Pisgah Coffee Roasters

Flag of United States Pisgah Forest, North Carolina
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The story of Pisgah Coffee Roasters began over a century ago and almost 4,000 miles away. In the late 1800s Jotham Lipsi's ancestors made their way from Italy to Brazil and found work on a coffee farm. A generation later, Jotham's father Jonathan, an agronomist, bought a coffee farm in Minas Gerais, a southern state of Brazil renowned for its coffee production. The farm consisted of 500 acres and over 300,000 coffee trees. Jotham spent his childhood soaking up the lessons of coffee growing! Brevard College brought Jotham to western North Carolina in 2004. Like most visitors, he fell in love with the area. He and his father established a coffee business supplying single-origin coffee from the Cerrado region of Brazil to commercial clients.

Pisgah Coffee Roasters is a coffee roaster from Pisgah Forest, NC United States. We have 2 cataloged roasts with 0 total reviews with a score of 0.

2 roasts

Name Roast Level Bean Source
Rated 0 stars out of 5


LightInternational Blend
Rated 0 stars out of 5


MediumInternational Blend