International Rank: #157 out of 1113
Ranking is based on a combination of reviews and popularity on
United States Rank: #101 out of 615
Ranking is based on a combination of reviews and popularity on
Texas Rank: #4 out of 26
Ranking is based on a combination of reviews and popularity on

Noble Coyote Coffee Roasters

Flag of United States Dallas, Texas
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2 ratings
Ratings here are based on aggregated user reviews of individual roasts from Noble Coyote Coffee Roasters.
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We are often asked how we came up with the name Noble Coyote. Ethical trade and sustainability are very important to us. In the coffee world, a "coyote" is a middleman who purchases coffee from farmers. In a commodity market, coyotes buy low and sell high, to the detriment of the farmers who grow the coffee. We try to purchase coffee from importers who not only compensate farmers fairly, but invest in those farmers in order to improve their lives. NOBLE COYOTES ARE MIDDLEMEN WHO AID, SUPPORT, AND INVEST IN THE FARMERS WHO SUPPLY THEM. AS A COFFEE ROASTER PURCHASING GREEN COFFEE, WE STRIVE TO BE NOBLE COYOTES BY SUPPORTING FARMERS AND IMPORTERS WHO PRACTICE THESE VALUES. Participating in community organizations and events is also important to us. We are thankful to have the opportunity to work closely with amazing local programs that invest in people, such as Cafe Momentum and Meat Fight. Giving back to the community that helps support our efforts completes a circle for us.

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Noble Coyote Coffee Roasters is a coffee roaster from Dallas, TX United States. We have 2 cataloged roasts with 2 total reviews with a score of 5.00.

2 roasts

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