
Roaster Location: Flag of Italy Trieste


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Roast Level: Dark



1 rating
Ratings here are based on aggregated user reviews of individual roasts from Illy.
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Latest Reviews and Tasting Notes

  • Theo Chan, Managing Editor

    1285 roasts rated, avg score of 4.28

    4.50 - Average

    Although I could be wrong about our reading of European can labels, I think this is a separate roast from ones that Illy offers that a similar red color. It has the word MOKA on the front of it in all caps. In any case, our hosts in Spain put this roast in a large Moka Pot and it was impressive how smooth it was with a high degree of flavor. Very chocolatey with some natural sweetness and great with postres.
    1 year ago · See more from Theo

More Details

Roast Level: Dark
Dark roast coffee features a more intense, robust flavor profile due to its longer roasting time. Therefore, when selecting a dark roast, expect less acidity, a full body, and flavors like dark chocolate, smokiness, and a hint of bitterness.

Best Rated Roasts of Illy

Illy is a coffee roaster from Trieste, IT Italy. We have 8 cataloged roasts with 5 total reviews with a score of 3.69.

International Rank: #923 out of 968
Ranking is based on a combination of reviews and popularity on
Name Roast Level Bean Source


Light Roast International Blend


- International Blend
Dark -
- International Blend


- International Blend
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