Papua New Guinea Sigri Kula Peaberry

Roaster Location: Flag of United States Charlevoix, Michigan


Bean Source Country: Papua New Guinea
Varietal: Typica, Arusha - Peaberry
Process: Washed

Farmer: Sigri Estate

Region: Wahgi Valley

Variety: Typica, Arusha

Altitude: 1600 masl

Process: Washed

Roasted by: Ryan

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Bean Source Country: Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea (PNG) specialty coffee is known for its complex flavor profile, with notes of tropical fruit, chocolate, and earthy tones. PNG coffee centers around Goroka in the Eastern Highlands and Mt. Hagen in the Western Highlands. Both areas have high altitudes and fertile soils.

Best Rated Roasts of LINDEN x TWO

LINDEN x TWO is a coffee roaster from Charlevoix, MI United States. We have 4 cataloged roasts with 0 total reviews with a score of 0.

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