International Rank: #549 out of 1114
Ranking is based on a combination of reviews and popularity on
United States Rank: #301 out of 616
Ranking is based on a combination of reviews and popularity on
New York Rank: #23 out of 57
Ranking is based on a combination of reviews and popularity on

City of Saints Coffee Roasters

Flag of United States Brooklyn, New York
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2 ratings
Ratings here are based on aggregated user reviews of individual roasts from City of Saints Coffee Roasters.
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4 star
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2 star
1 star

City of Saints is a coffee roasting company with shops in wonderfully disparate nooks of New York and New Jersey. We take a tremendous amount of pride in our coffee - so much that it gets its own shpeel on our Sourcing page - but what excites us most is our ongoing goal of creating cafes and coffee partnerships that celebrate the communities they inhabit. Currently occupying a residential corner in Hoboken, a light-soaked bar in the East Village, and a cavernous industrial hideaway in Bushwick, we're consistently blown away by the people we meet and how effectively a thoughtful product can shapeshift to mean something important and different to all of them. We value inclusiveness over imposition, open-mindedness over repetition, light-heartedness over reverence. We drink what we like, we wind up where we like to be, and we encourage passersby to do the same.

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City of Saints Coffee Roasters is a coffee roaster from Brooklyn, NY United States. We have 18 cataloged roasts with 2 total reviews with a score of 4.50.

18 roasts

Name Roast Level Bean Source
Light Ethiopia


Dark Americas Blend
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- Colombia
- Papua New Guinea
- Guatemala
- Ethiopia
- Costa Rica
- Colombia
- Colombia
- Indonesia
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Top Reviews(2)

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