Tinker Coffee Co. is a specialty coffee roaster located in Indianapolis, Indiana. We're focused on roasting only the finest specialty coffees from around the world and providing our visitors with an awesome and educational experience.....after all, drinking kick-ass coffee should be fun
Tinker Coffee Co. is a coffee roaster from Indianapolis, IN United States. We have 1 cataloged roasts with 1 total reviews with a score of 4.50.
1 roasts
Name | Roast Level | Bean Source |
4.50(1) | - | Colombia |
Top Reviews(1)
1478 roasts rated, avg score of 4.30
4.50 - Average
4.50 - Aroma
4.50 - Value
4.50 - Finish
4.50 - Flavor
4.50 - Acidity
4.50 - Balance
Cupping Method:V60