All Reviews(3)
1408 roasts rated, avg score of 4.29
5.00 - Average
5.00 - Aroma
5.00 - Value
5.00 - Finish
5.00 - Flavor
5.00 - Acidity
5.00 - Balance
Cupping Method:Espresso at Veintiuno un Zaragoza
1408 roasts rated, avg score of 4.29
5.00 - Average
4.50 - Aroma
5.00 - Value
5.00 - Finish
5.00 - Flavor
5.00 - Acidity
4.50 - Balance
Cupping Method:At Veintiuno in Zaragoza
1408 roasts rated, avg score of 4.29
5.00 - Average
I didnt take great notes on this as it got hectic with the kids at the cafe but wow was this great filter coffee and totally unexpected for Sumatran. Lighter roasted than most Indonesia coffees, this had a cleaner, more mineral earthiness than the usual Sumatran. A touch of nuttiness, some red grape acidity, and something like a strong brewed black tea. I could drink gallons of this. I was blown away by Onawa and I am certain Onawa is a roaster worthy of international acclaim.
Similar to the Brazilian espresso, also an carefully crafted, fragrant, complex decaf. After having the Brazilian, I wanted more espresso! But decaf was the wise choice. Also nutty, floral, and complex. A top 3 Decaf espresso all-time for me.
Super fragrant and aromatic. Lime blackberry but not overwhelming. A very clean finish that lingers and changes like a fine wine lingering on the tongue. A pleasant nuttiness and perfect mouthfeel. One of the best espressos Ive ever had.