All Reviews(2)
1449 roasts rated, avg score of 4.30
4.00 - Average
3.50 - Aroma
4.00 - Finish
4.00 - Flavor
4.00 - Acidity
4.50 - Balance
Cupping Method:This was the decaf at a hotel-business apartment called Mint House in Dallas. It sounds like Colonial is a hospitality wholesaler. I made it with a standard drip machine.
1449 roasts rated, avg score of 4.30
4.00 - Average
4.00 - Aroma
4.00 - Finish
3.50 - Flavor
4.00 - Acidity
3.50 - Balance
Cupping Method:Filter out of a coffee dripper. The Mint House in Dallas gave me 4(?) packs of 4 cuppers for a 2 night stay.
A decent cup of hotel decaf coffee. Certainly a lot better than the house label ones I've been seeing at Marriott recently. This is a very smooth coffee that that's a little bit nutty and naturally sweet. It's not complex and lacks a standout characteristic, but it's enjoyable and goes well with a bit of chocolate, or on its own doing some evening emailing. Your non-specialty coffee medium roast drinker might find this a bit light.
I have had some god-awful hotel decaf, and thankfully this was decent. Simple, smooth, and balance with low bitterness, slight midpalate nuttiness, and a nice citrusy acidity. Theres nothing stand out here, but its a very easy to drink cup. Its almost like a caricature of Colombian coffee. I can see why Colonial is regarded as a reliable hospitality brand.