International Rank: #665 out of 1124
Ranking is based on a combination of reviews and popularity on
Spain Rank: #28 out of 64
Ranking is based on a combination of reviews and popularity on

Cafe Montecelio

Flag of Spain Tineo
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1 rating
Ratings here are based on aggregated user reviews of individual roasts from Cafe Montecelio.
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Cafe Montecelio is an Asturian roaster and part of the CAFENTO group.

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Cafe Montecelio is a coffee roaster from Tineo, Spain. We have 1 cataloged roasts with 1 total reviews with a score of 4.50.

1 roasts

Top Reviews(1)

  • Theo Chan, Managing Editor

    1463 roasts rated, avg score of 4.30

    4.50 - Average

    4.50 - Aroma

    4.50 - Finish

    4.50 - Flavor

    4.00 - Acidity

    4.50 - Balance

    One of the better decaf espressos I've had in Spain. Big crema and great mouthfeel. Very earthy with a touch of nuttiness. Dark roast characteristics are muted but present and contribute rather than detract as a touch of spice and smokiness. Acidity is very limited, just a touch of blackberry for a split second in the mid-palate.

    Cupping Method:At El Colonial, on the Sardinero in Santander

    1 year ago · See more from Theo
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