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Smokey Row Coffee

Flag of United States Pleasantville, Iowa
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The Original Smokey Row Coffee House and Soda Fountain in Pleasantville is one of the oldest buildings left in Pleasantville. Although it has been the victim of several fires, through restoration, the original brick walls, tin ceilings, and wood floors have been returned to their original appearance. Disastrous fires had burned out buildings on Monroe Street in Pleasantville many times since the late 1800's. In the early 1900's, after suffering numerous fires, the local residents nicknamed this row of buildings Smokey Row. Even recently in the 80's and 90's the south side of Monroe Street had been devastated by fire. Smokey Row has risen from the ashes of these fires to be a community gathering place with good coffee and good people!

Smokey Row Coffee is a coffee roaster from Pleasantville, IA United States. We have 0 cataloged roasts with 0 total reviews with a score of 0.

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