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United Kingdom Rank: #41 out of 65
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Rounton Coffee Roasters

Flag of United Kingdom East Rounton
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Rounton Coffee Roasters is a coffee roaster from East Rounton, United Kingdom. We have 1 cataloged roasts with 1 total reviews with a score of 4.50.

1 roasts

Top Reviews(1)

  • Q Reviews

    67 roasts rated, avg score of 4.46

    4.50 - Average

    Back to east Africa but a new origin - Uganda. This is a natural roasted by Rounton Coffee Roasters of North Yorkshire - Gods county!

    I noticed on their website that the guys at Rounton have actually visited the producers in Uganda - which really shows the very high levels of care and attention they put into their coffee. The @risecoffeebox team also visited Uganda recently too and this is a coffee through their excellent subscription service ?

    The coffee is from the Rwenzori Mountainous region. Kalingwe is a Village higher up in the foothills. I have cupped a few Ugandan naturals from this area before but weve no preconceptions and this smells very different.

    The aroma is excellent, I got plum and a note of golden ale, a hint of hops and clove. The flavour is tropical with yellow strawberry, orange blossom and mango as it cooled. Its very nicely balanced with citric acidity - very harmonious. Quite impressed by this coffee. Surprisingly sophisticated. I certainly wouldnt pick it as a Ugandan natural cupping it blind. Very nice work from producer @omwanicoffee and roaster and a very positive sign for the future of Ugandan specialty coffee production.

    86.75 translates to 4.5 stars!

    Cupping Method:Follow @the_qreview on Instagram for photos and the full post.

    9 months ago · See more from Q · Social link
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