All Reviews(2)
599 roasts rated, avg score of 4.31
5.00 - Average
5.00 - Finish
4.50 - Acidity
5.00 - Balance
Cupping Method:Pourover
1463 roasts rated, avg score of 4.30
4.50 - Average
4.50 - Aroma
4.50 - Finish
4.00 - Flavor
4.00 - Acidity
4.50 - Balance
Cupping Method:Hario v60 pourover
Smooth, light bodied, not bitter, fruity. Could drink cups and cups
Angel's Cup Blind Tasting. Characteristic delicious Colombian. Beautiful brownie smell out of the bag and on the roast. Smooth and lively, definitely getting peach, spice, vanilla. Touch of orange zest. Slightly vegetal. Clean finish