International Rank: #709 out of 1113
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United Kingdom Rank: #48 out of 65
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Murmuration Coffee

Flag of United Kingdom Chichester
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Thoughtful artisan coffee roaster from West Sussex

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Murmuration Coffee is a coffee roaster from Chichester, United Kingdom. We have 1 cataloged roasts with 1 total reviews with a score of 4.50.

1 roasts

Top Reviews(1)

  • Q Reviews

    67 roasts rated, avg score of 4.46

    4.50 - Average

    Excellent dry aroma of stone fruits and chocolate - wet aroma offered a touch less. Flavour is excellent with strawberry, blueberry and some tropical notes melding to bubblegum. There plenty of chocolate as you might expect but still some florality came through as it cooled and I got some aromatic hints, lemongrass maybe elderflower as it cooled. Body just a bit lacking and the acidity a touch muted. Balanced, clean, sweat and uniform though so no dropped points there. Great job from the roasters as there were a few visual inconsistencies with the beans pointing to the odd possible quaker.

    Really enjoyed this coffee and a great one to get us started!

    Cupping Method:Came from Rise Coffee Box

    Follow @the_qreview on Instagram for photos and the full post.

    9 months ago · See more from Q · Social link
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