Marley Coffee
Buffalo Soldier Blend

Roaster Location: Flag of United States Denver, Colorado


Roast Level: Medium Dark
Bean Source Country: International Blend

This earthy blend is soulful, uplifting and smooth. Tasting notes of dark chocolate with a rich, roasty finish – this liberating cup leaves you wanting more.

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Roast Level: Medium Dark
Medium-dark or Vienna roast coffee features a deeper, richer flavor profile due to its longer roasting time. When selecting a Vienna roast, look for a lower acidity, bolder body, and flavors with dark chocolate, caramel, toasted nut notes, and mild smokiness.
Bean Source Country: International Blend
International blend coffee refers to a blend of coffee beans sourced from different regions or countries worldwide. International blends combine beans with distinct flavor profiles and characteristics, resulting in a harmonious and complex cup of coffee. The quality of an international blend depends on the expertise of the coffee roaster, who carefully selects and combines beans to achieve a specific flavor and balance. Roasters who excel in crafting international blends have a deep understanding of the different growing regions, varietals, and processing methods.

Best Rated Roasts of Marley Coffee

Marley Coffee is a coffee roaster from Denver, CO United States. We have 5 cataloged roasts with 0 total reviews with a score of 0.

Name Roast Level Bean Source
- International Blend
- Ethiopia
Dark International Blend
Dark International Blend
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