International Rank: #743 out of 968
Ranking is based on a combination of reviews and popularity on
United States Rank: #407 out of 526
Ranking is based on a combination of reviews and popularity on
California Rank: #74 out of 93
Ranking is based on a combination of reviews and popularity on

Cheesecake Factory

Flag of United States Calabasas, California


1 rating
Ratings here are based on aggregated user reviews of individual roasts from Cheesecake Factory.
5 star
4 star
3 star
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1 star

The Cheesecake Factory is a popular upscale casual dining restaurant known for its extensive menu, including various cheesecakes and American fusion dishes. Coffee is among the many beverages offered with their extensive menu, including illy for espresso.

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Cheesecake Factory is a coffee roaster from Calabasas, CA United States. We have 1 cataloged roasts with 1 total reviews with a score of 4.00.

1 roasts

Top Reviews(1)

  • Theo Chan, Managing Editor

    1284 roasts rated, avg score of 4.28

    4.00 - Average

    4.00 - Flavor

    4.00 - Acidity

    4.00 - Balance

    Solid cup of coffee. Chocolate, smooth and easy to drink with some acidity in the plum change. Just a touch of bitterness but more neutral than negative. Apparently Cheesecase Factory has its own signature blend (sounds like white label roaster).
    8 months ago · See more from Theo

Editor's Overview

At The Cheesecake Factory, the coffee menu is designed to cater to a variety of tastes. For their drip coffee, they offer their own house blend, which is specially formulated to pair well with their wide range of desserts and meals. This house blend aims to provide a satisfying and balanced coffee experience for diners.

For espresso-based drinks, such as cappuccinos, lattes, and espressos, The Cheesecake Factory uses illy coffee, a well-respected Italian brand known for its consistent quality and rich flavor. This selection offers an authentic espresso experience to those who prefer a more robust coffee.

Both the house blend and the illy coffee are part of The Cheesecake Factory's effort to provide a comprehensive and enjoyable dining experience, with coffee options that cater to different preferences. Whether a customer chooses the house blend drip coffee or an illy espresso drink, the aim is to complement the overall meal and ambiance of the restaurant.

-Ted Chan, Managing Editor
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