International Rank: #597 out of 986
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United Kingdom Rank: #49 out of 64
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Carnival Coffee Roasters Reviews

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All Reviews(1)

  • Q Reviews

    66 roasts rated, avg score of 4.45

    4.50 - Average

    The roast is super light, going after the sweet fruit notes here and succeeding. It puts me in mind of watermelon and guava rather than peach or citrus. Some florality is there at the start, with the flavours homogenising as they cooled. It has some cocoa notes and plenty of sweetness. The acidity is soft, and the coffee is quite well balanced with a creamy body, if a touch thin.

    Cupping Method:Follow @the_qreview on Instagram for photos and the full post.

    6 months ago · See more from Q · Social link
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