All Reviews(2)
1451 roasts rated, avg score of 4.30
5.00 - Average
5.00 - Aroma
4.50 - Finish
4.50 - Flavor
4.50 - Acidity
4.50 - Balance
Cupping Method:Pourover with Hario v60, 14g/225g water, 200F. A rollicking start to The Roses Advent Calendar I got late!
593 roasts rated, avg score of 4.31
4.50 - Average
Fruity and super interesting coffee!
A trippy and borderline insane roast. When I opened the tin I could smell chili peppers right away. It's spicy dark chocolate on the grind. It's quite appealing and the pour doesn't disappoint. This is a very fruity and funky coffee, but also super smooth and balanced. I got papaya, tamarind, and strawberry notes. The funk is a little bit malty. In the cup, I get a black licorice and slight clove. The licorice doesn't overwhelm the balance. It's a clean finish with a bit of black tea linger. An outstanding and unique roast!