All Reviews(2)
1451 roasts rated, avg score of 4.30
4.50 - Average
4.50 - Aroma
4.50 - Finish
4.50 - Flavor
4.50 - Acidity
4.50 - Balance
Cupping Method:196F, 18:1 (well, 17.94:1), ceramic Hario v60
593 roasts rated, avg score of 4.31
4.50 - Average
Also good! Definitely get some sweet tangerine.
Subtle, black tea, bright satsuma-type acidity after the mid-palate. Have had a few Perus like this one and never quite sure whether to go a lower temp or blast it hot since bitterness is low but the acidity needs to be drawn out. Very clean and not funky at all, could have easily been convinced this was a washed coffee.