La Colombe

Roaster Location: Flag of United States Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


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Varietal: Sweet, Fruity, Nutty
Character: La Colombe x The New Yorker, Bowery Blend

The Downtown Pack brings together two blends that celebrate New York City and all that it inspires. La Colombe x The New Yorker - Excellent coffee has always gone hand-in-hand with an excellent read. That’s why we’re honored to bring together The New Yorker’s commitment to quality journalism with La Colombe’s commitment to making people happy with quality coffee. Cupping Notes: Cocoa, Candied Walnuts, Nougat Bowery Blend - This blend is born and crafted at our new Bowery roastery. Straight from the city that's been home to our cafes since the early aughts, this coffee is an ode to the Bowery and all that it inspires. Cupping Notes: Fudge, Almond Butter, Fig

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Best Rated Roasts of La Colombe

La Colombe is a coffee roaster from Philadelphia, PA United States. We have 46 cataloged roasts with 15 total reviews with a score of 3.95.

International Rank: #930 out of 968
Ranking is based on a combination of reviews and popularity on
Name Roast Level Bean Source


Medium International Blend
- Ethiopia
- Ethiopia
- Colombia
- -
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