All Reviews(4)
1453 roasts rated, avg score of 4.30
4.50 - Average
Cupping Method:V60 - bought the bag at IGA. Much better than the Lavazza Qualita Rossa we tasted it against.
1453 roasts rated, avg score of 4.30
4.50 - Average
4.50 - Finish
4.50 - Flavor
4.50 - Acidity
5.00 - Balance
Cupping Method:Espresso at Cafe Mousse in Baie-Saint-Paul
594 roasts rated, avg score of 4.31
4.00 - Average
Chocolate, orange, some natural sweetness. A well-executed version of the type of coffee everyone drank 10 years ago, or a Christmas coffee. A little hint of that chocolate orange. A bit of trailing hops.
Easy to drink and satisfying!
Toothy, well-executed dark roast espresso with good balanced and flavor. Chocolate, smoke and spice. Sticky medium crema. Some toasted walnut. Nice lingering chocolate finish with raisin, blackberry and molasses.