Papua New Guinea Kindeng A/X

Roaster Location: Flag of United States Seattle, Washington


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Bean Source Country: Western Highland Province Mt. Hagen City
Varietal: Arusha, Bourbon, and Typica
Process: Fully washed and dried on raised beds

This is our first offering from Papua New Guinea and we are excited to share it with you! When we taste a coffee that hits the mark of personal enjoyment, we know we have our purchase locked in. The cup wrote us a note saying it tasted like toffee, ripe cantaloupe, and cinnamon stick and we agree. This coffee is from the Kindeng region in Papua New Guinea located near Mt. Hagen and is cooperative effort from small independent farmers on plots of land generally 5 hectares or smaller. Besides coffee, many other agricultural products are grown in the region such as broccoli, carrots, cabbage, sweet potatoes and corn. Effort from the Monpi Sustainability team have help educate farmers on preserving wildlife and forest. Cherry pulp from he coffee mill along with other agricultural byproducts serve as organic compost fertilizer to reduce environmental impact compared to chemical fertilizers.

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