Ethiopia - Bedhatu Jibicho

Roaster Location: Flag of United States Seattle, Washington


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Bean Source Country: Gedeb District, Gedeo Zone, Southern Nations
Varietal: Indigenous heirloom cultivars
Process: Fully washed and dried on raised beds

We are proud to bring back Bedhatu Jibicho for the third season in a row! This years crop is floral and delicately fruity. Notes of Lychee, Strawberry, and rose water make this washed Ethiopia a great candidate for pour over, espresso, or nice pot of drop coffee that you will be sure to enjoy. Bedhatu Jibicho was born and raised in Worka where her farm is also located. She started working in coffee in the 1960s when the government gave land to her husband. Bedhatu takes great pride in the fact that she has managed the farm operations for over 50 years, even before her husband passed away in 1991. As Bedhatu is now over 80 years old, her adult children have started to become more involved in continuing her rich tradition of coffee production. The family plans to use the premiums from coffee sales to expand production and start an export company. This coffee is delicate and sweet with orange oil aromas and a tea like body.

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